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Global President's Message
November 2024
As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance our processes and better serve our Chapters, a member vote was requested in October to extend the term of our current Global Board of Directors by six months. It's my pleasure to announce that the vote passed with overwhelming support!
The current board members, with one exception listed below, will continue in their roles until June 30, 2025. Moving forward, the Global Board terms will run July 1st-June 30th, with our elections process beginning in late February.
Laci Stretcher, Global Membership & Sponsorship Director, has resigned from her position, effective immediately. We're grateful for Laci's commitment and contributions in developing processes for our organization and though we'll miss her daily, we wish her the best as she takes much-deserved time to welcome the newest addition to her family! If you have questions regarding your corporate membership or sponsorship, please contact membership@womensenergynetwork.org.
And last but not least in recent Global updates, in late October I left my role with Steptoe & Johnson PLLC to explore a new opportunity. I'm grateful for all I learned in my 13 years with the firm and am excited about the challenges ahead. If you've reached out to me via email before, please make sure to update your contact info with my personal email account below.
Thank you for your continued support of WEN! I hope you enjoy the upcoming holiday season and look forward to working with you in 2025.
Gillian Flick
Global President